Delete Partition
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    Delete Partition

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    Article Summary

    This article is specific to the following platforms - Redshift.

    Delete Partition

    Allows users to delete the S3 directory structure created for partitioned external table data. On S3, a single folder is created for each partition value and is named according to the corresponding partition key and value. These folders can be removed by defining partition values through the Delete Partition component.

    For example, the partition value for the key 'Salesdate' might be '2016-01-07'. A directory would then be created on S3 named 'Salesdate=2017-04-31' containing this partition's data.


    NameTextA human-readable name for the component.
    SchemaSelectSelect the table schema. The special value, [Environment Default] will use the schema defined in the environment. For more information on using multiple schemas, see this article.
    TableTextThe table that has partitions to be deleted. This should be an external table that already has partitions defined through the Create External Table component.
    Partition ValuesTextThe values for each partition column that are to be deleted. These correspond to folder names in the S3 bucket that the external table references.
    Ignore MissingSelectIf 'No', the component will error when expecting a partition to delete that is not present. If 'Yes', errors will be ignored and the workflow will continue regardless.